Sunday, 20 February 2011

I Am Number Four trailers

There I was, minding my own business and watching something on -

-I must interrupt myself already.  If we are to get on, I fear I must be truthful, however shameful it might be.  If you trust me enough to read my blog, I should trust you enough to admit my secrets.  I was watching, and enjoying, How I Met Your Mother.  I'm sorry.  I quite like the undemanding Friends-but-with-added-mild-swearing-and-sexual-references vibe it's got going on.  But, back to it-

I was watching 4od, when two teaser trailers came on, back to back.  They were for the same film, but very cleverly edited to clearly appeal to two distinct audiences.  Something I imagine I wouldn't have noticed, had I not watched one straight after the other.  Surely that was not part of the marketing strategy?  Anyway, the film is I Am Number Four, but what is it about?

Trailer #1:

Wow, it's a boy's film, it's fire, it's fighting, it's samurai sword leg chopping, it's about walking away from explosions and escaping death.  It's high octane thrills, who even cares if there's a story anyway?  But wait...

Trailer #2:

It's the girl from Glee!  It's Adele in the background!  He's a mysterious hunk who can ride water skis and do back flips off waterfalls!  He reminds me of Edward Cullen from Twilight but oh, he doesn't have the twinkly skin, what a shame.  But he does have magical glowy hands!  Squeal!

So what have we learned?  I Am Number Four looks like flashy big budget nonsense with a hint of romance, so who will be able to resist?  Well, me, I expect.  But this is coming from a How I Met Your Mother fan, so who would respect my opinion anyway?

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