Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Killing By The Power of The Thigh: A Study

Once in a while, a film comes along and it stays with you long after the credits have rolled.  Gandhi.  Schindler's List.  That Al Gore film about climate change that I haven't seen but I'm sure is the kind of thing I'm talking about.

And once in a while, a scene in a film comes along that stays with you long after another scene has come, and then a couple more, and then the credits have rolled.  You think about it for days afterwards.  You wonder if other films have similar scenes, and if so you want to see them, and see them now.  For me, this was that scene:

(Sorry this clip of the profound and moving Lethal Weapon is a bit long.  I personally think it's worth it, but if you don't have a whole 3 minutes 40 seconds to waste, I've chopped it straight to the good bit here).

Maybe it's because it was made in the days when Mel Gibson was cool, before his, shall we say, 'difficulties' and 'other difficulties' with the police began.  Maybe it's because the clip gives us a good look at Gary Busey's remarkable teeth (here is a facebook page dedicated to them.  This discovery has brightened my day.  Even more than the reflection of the sun glinting off Gary's teeth undoubtedly would).  But as should be obvious, the real reason this clip is so amazing is because Mel Gibson nearly KILLS SOMEONE WITH HIS THIGHS.

Killing by the thigh.  A tactic I hope to use if I ever get beaten up in the rain.  I am tempted to start jiu jitsu lessons so that I can learn (this is never going to happen).  If you want some not very sexy thrills, search for scissor hold on youtube.  Shudder.

Scissor holds tend to be done by the ladies.  I can't imagine why.  A notable example is in Goldeneye, where Famke Janssen, playing Xenia Onatopp (hmm), attacks with her thighs rather a lot.  There's a bit too much heavy breathing for me to post a link to the obvious scenes without feeling like a pervert, but here is a clip near the end where she attempts some not quite so pornographic thigh killing, and Piers Brosnan gets to say something 'hilarious' at the end.

There are occasional examples of men killing women by the power of the thigh.  This one is from the classic film Anaconda:

There is so much to love in this.  Jon Voigt's excellent unidentifiable accent.  His words of wisdom.  His face. The majestic leap to thigh killing glory.  And the way he says 'baby bird' at the end, which very much makes me hope he was thinking of this during the squeezing.

The best film that I have discovered from my investigations however, is Double Impact starring Jean Claude Van Damme.  There is a scissor hold in it, but this becomes very dull news when you learn that he plays a set of twins separated at birth, and fights himself.  Killing by the power of the thigh is very exciting, but Jean Claude Van Damme fighting Jean Claude Van Damme?  Why can I not buy this on amazon?

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