Saturday, 18 September 2010

Dangerous Liaisons - Trinity College Gardens, 2-5 June 2010

Sex, manipulation, and revenge are the unholy trinity of players in Trinity Players' Dangerous Liaisons, performed in the beautiful setting of Trinity Lawns this week. (Apologies - I am slightly ashamed of that first sentence, but really, who can resist an unholy trinity of players? Not I, obviously). 

So, we are transported to late nineteenth-century France, where the Marquise de Merteuil challenges her friend/ex-lover/rival the Vicomte de Valmont to seduce the young and innocent Cecile, to whom another ex-lover of Merteuil has become engaged. This is partly as an act of revenge, but mainly just for her own amusement. Valmont however thinks this is too easy, and has his eye on the virtuous Presidente de Tourvel. The Marquise tells him that if he can obtain written proof of a sexual encounter with the Presidente de Tourvel, then his reward will be one last night with her. Thus the game begins. How seriously do they take it? Win or Die. 

The play is witty, dark, and sexy, and the Trinity Players just about pull it off, though hopefully the line-fumbling will lessen as the run continues. Chloe Courtney has the stand out performance as the cold, calculating Marquise, bored by and detached from the world around her. She manipulates all of her pawns, including Cecile and the man Cecile is in love with, Danceny, with a great air of ennui. 

The highlight for me has to be the sword fight near the end. Being on the front row I did fear for my life slightly, particularly as I'm sure that Danceny's fringe cannot have helped his hand eye coordination. 

Win or Die? Win, definitely. Join me, and don’t try to resist the unholy trinity in the glorious sunshine this week. Though do remember to pick up a blanket in the interval. It’s less fun to watch winning and dying with chilly knees.

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