Sunday, 19 September 2010

Why Should You Care That I've Seen Things?

I have been wondering, what reason can I give you to read this over the thousands of other film/culture blogs that are out there (unless you‘re my friend or family and you take pity on me)?  Well, I don’t have the contacts to get previews or exclusives (apart from the Goodnight Sweetheart musical revealed below, news I must admit I am pretty excited by).  If you don’t live in Oxford I can’t imagine you’ll be enticed by the theatre reviews (though they are of the utmost quality and are certainly worth a read).  And so, for something a little bit different, I proudly present…


From time to time I will, for the sake of science, or culture, or truth, or beauty, or something, purchase a random DVD from a charity shop, and tell you all about it.  Thus will we learn about films we would probably never otherwise have heard of, and I will become a good, charitable member of society.

The Rules:
1. I will not spend more than £2 (unless charity shop DVDs are more expensive than I think they are).
2. I will not limit the choice by genre, age, perceived quality, or whether or not I have heard of anyone in it.
3. If I realise that watching random films that no-one has ever or will ever see is a massive waste of time and I should be watching something better, then I am allowed to stop.

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