Saturday, 18 September 2010

Heartbreaker ****

Heartbreaker (L'Arnacoeur) is the perfect antidote to the below par romantic comedies that have been offered up in recent months.Sex and the City 2? Letters to Juliet? Non, merci. This is so far superior it's almost silly to compare. 

Admittedly, the plot is quite predictable. Alex (the remarkably attractive Romain Duris), his sister, and her husband get paid, by fathers or siblings or friends, to split up couples. Don't worry, only couples where the woman is unhappy and doesn't realise it. We don't need to get distracted by morals here. Alex breaks up relationships, he doesn't break hearts. Even though the film is called Heartbreaker. Hmm, maybe there's a nuance lost in translation. Anyway, quelle surprise, Alex falls for his mark, Juliette (the equally remarkably attractive Vanessa Paradis), but will he be able to steal her away from her fiance? (Her fiance played by Andrew Lincoln. Yes, Andrew Lincoln from Teachers and This Life. In a French film.) And will he be able to keep professional and personal feelings separate? And will they kiss in the end?

You can probably guess the answer to those questions. So why go and see another predictable romcom? Firstly, the guilt factor from seeing a frothy film is completely blown away because it's in French. It's got subtitles, therefore your friends will think you are very cultured and highbrow. Secondly, predictable can be wonderful when it's done well. Most of Audrey Hepburn's films were predictable, but they were glorious because they were charming. And this is certainly charming. It is silly, and funny, and warm, and irresistible. And beautiful to look at, both in cinematographic and aesthetic terms (did I mention how attractive the leads are?). And they recreate the iconic scene from Dirty Dancing, and the only thing that was lame and embarrassing about it was the very big grin left on my face.  Formidable!

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